Join the Success Maverick Series

Join the Success Maverick Series and other Success Mavericks from all over the World ~ INCLUDING PAUL FINCK ~ in the Multi-Author Be a Success Maverick Book Series

Author Package Features:

  • 1500 Word Chapter Per Author

  • 250 Word Bio Page with Picture

  • Personal links to your website

  • Professional Copy Editor Experts will edit your chapter and sent to you for review

  • Interior Layout and design professionally done for you! Cover Design and Layout

  • Professional publishing manager to hold your hand

  • Ebook is distributed through ePub, iBook, Kindle, and Nook

  • ISBN is secured for your book

  • Bar Code is provided

  • Digital proof is provided

  • Worldwide book distribution to online booksellers, wholesalers, brick and mortar independent and chains, bookstores and libraries

  • Global Distribution of digital editions to online retailers and wholesalers i.e.: Amazon/Kindle, Barnes&Noble/Nook, Apple/iTunes, Kobo.

  • Hard Copy and Digital Format provided

  • 10 Copies of physical book (low quantity ordering available)

Author Package


Secure your spot in the next book and we will walk you step by step through the process of becoming a Best Selling author

Custom Cover Package


This package includes all of the above PLUS a CUSTOM COVER with your name on the front cover and Bio on the back

BEST SELLER Marketing Campaign included

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